
I also consult with state and local governments and nonprofits through Social Policy Analytics. I provide a range of services that, in general, focus on gathering and using data to better understand system needs and improve services to vulnerable populations.

This includes work on housing and homelessness, income insufficiency and poverty, and children made vulnerable by the COVID-19 pandemic. I have extensive experience leveraging municipal administrative data and collecting primary data through surveys, focus groups, and semi-structured interviews, and my work includes program evaluation, needs assessments, policy research and analysis, and pilot testing.

Examples of recent consulting work include:

  • Since 2016, consulting to United For ALICE, a project from the United Way of Northern New Jersey dedicated to documenting and addressing income insufficiency

  • Improving the methodology for HUD-mandated unsheltered homelessness counts to produce more accurate and replicable results

  • A study of racial and ethnic disparities in utility insecurity in Pennsylvania before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

  • A study of healthcare access and needs among homeless adults in New York City

More information is available on the Social Policy Analytics site. Want to learn more, or interested in working together? Send me a note through the contact page.